Pride, noun; 

(1) a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's achievements, 
(2) consciousness of one's own dignity.

In the face of the religion of the insecure, you must respect who you are, be proud of who you are, how far you’ve come, what you’ve survived to be here today.

You may be banged up and bruised, but so what?

You’re still breathing, that means you won.

All this talk about work-life balance is a bunch of BS.

Yes, you need self-care and healthy boundaries between work and time away, but human creativity doesn’t clock in and out from the factory floor.

Take breaks to rest, yes, but more importantly, take breaks to appreciate how far you’ve come and what you’ve achieved.

Take pride in your accomplishments.

Don’t shy away from saying, “Yes, I did great! I do good work! My effort is purposeful and my input has meaning!”

Pride doesn’t come before the fall, but ass-holery comes before being called out.

Especially, women have been conditioned for too long to “take pride” in meaningless things like competing on looks and submitting to the service of others at their own expense.

For women to rise up and be proud, for the LGBTQ+ community to achieve acceptance and equal rights, or for BIPOC and other minorities to gain real power in the world is a threat to the patriarchy.

Because the patriarchy doesn’t know how to share or how to relate to others.

BE PROUD of who you are and how you were born, because the gods make no mistakes.

You are beautiful as you are and you matter.

The only way the patriarchy wins is if you submit to the insecurity it wants to instil in you.

So, rise and rise again, until lambs become lions.

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