Writer | Illustrator | Write true, marvel often.

If you are, I've got just the thing:

When Sasha Barrett gets bitten by a snake on a mission, her squad captain's quick actions not only save her life, but also make her realise something she may have known all along…

Sign up for my emails to read this short story for FREE! 🎉


I’m your friendly roadside quest giver, Starsheep! ⭐🐏 I’m a marketer-cum-author and creator of The Short, Punchy, Ridiculously Sweet Writing Guides.

By day, I make a living as a writer & illustrator. By night I write smutty fantasy & sci-fi under the name S.T. Arsheep.

My blog is an accounting of trying to find a place somewhere between denial and nihilism (this involves a lot of escaping into fiction), and setting up camp there.

I’m autistic and a professional creative, with a history on the stage, so curiosity and enter-stage-left creativity are guaranteed around me.

Thanks for stopping by, and may the stars watch over you. Toodles!💫

Sh**p Talk is my very interesting podcast.

Or, at least, I think so. It's basically just me, Starsheep, talking. Going off on tangents to interesting places.

I'm a professional creative, writer and illustrator.

My hope is to entertain, enlighten, and perhaps even inspire ewe. So grab a tuft of grass, settle in, and let this ruminant take you on a meandering journey through the creative life.

Wanna get more out of reading?

This FREE guide could be the thing that helps you enjoy books even more. It has review templates, book trackers & reading bingo cards!



It's my digital garden where I ruminate on the ins and outs, the ups and downs, of creative life, share sketches, drawings & photos, host my growing library of fiction shorts, and pioneer creative projects.


When it's not enough to let the world around you know that you're a reader by constantly having your nose in a book, this swag is here to help.

Besides writing, I like to draw. Sometimes I draw letters (that's called lettering), sometimes characters from books, and sometimes just to clear my head.

And when I do, I usually put that stuff up in the shop. I named it Bound to Please, because it's a book and a kink joke (iykyk).


Or, well, mutual strangers on the internet (but potato, potat-oh, right?).

We can hang and geek out on stories and storytelling and how marvellous it is when a story manages to hold you still for just a brief moment in your day and have you surrender to wonder. (Or how dismal it is when they fail to do just that!)