When you focus on certain things in your life, it has a profound impact on the person you become. Your thoughts and actions are shaped by the things you pay attention to, and over time, they become a part of your identity.

If you focus on negative thoughts and emotions, you tend to become more pessimistic and unhappy. In contrast, if you focus on positive thoughts and experiences, you tend to become more optimistic and content. Your focus determines your mood, your behaviour, and ultimately, your life outcomes.

One of the reasons why your focus is so powerful is that your brain is wired to seek out and amplify whatever you give your attention to. If you focus on your fears and worries, your brain will constantly look for evidence to confirm those negative beliefs. However, if you focus on your strengths and opportunities, your brain will seek out evidence that supports those positive beliefs.

For example, if you’re always thinking about your weaknesses and failures, you’re more likely to feel discouraged and unmotivated. On the other hand, if you focus on your strengths and accomplishments, you’re more likely to feel confident and capable. This can make a huge difference in your ability to achieve your goals and pursue your dreams.

Moreover, your focus also affects the way you perceive the world around you. When you focus on something, you become more attuned to it and notice it more readily. This means that if you focus on the positive aspects of your life, you’re more likely to see opportunities and possibilities. Conversely, if you focus on the negative, you’re more likely to see obstacles and limitations.

As an author, your focus has a profound impact on your writing and your career. What you choose to focus on can shape your mindset, your writing style, and even the types of stories you write.

So, choose your focus wisely and become the best version of yourself as an author.