- A bellyful of marrow
- A bit of crumpet
- A bit of how’s yer father
- A bit of the old in-out
- A trip to pound town
- A visit from old one eye
- Adult naptime
- Afternoon delight
- Aggressive cuddling
- Assault with a friendly weapon
- Baking the potato
- Balls deep
- Banana in a fruit salad
- Batter dipping the corn dog
- Bedroom rodeo
- Bending over a barrel
- Boarding the beef bus
- Boppin’ squiddles
- Bow chick a wow wow
- Bringing an al dente noodle to the spaghetti house
- Bumping uglies
- Bushwacking
- Business time
- Carnal embrace
- Checking the oil
- Chesterfield rugby
- Christening the yak
- Churning butter
- Cleaning cobwebs in the womb room
- Conquer the pink fortress
- Crushing buns
- Dancing in the sheets
- Dickening
- Digging up the sand crab
- Dinky-tickling
- Dipping the wick
- Disappointing the wife
- Do the tube snake boogie
- Doing it
- Doing squat thrusts in the cucumber patch
- Doing the dipsy-doodle
- Doing the horizontal greased-weasel tango
- Doing the monster mash
- Doing the nasty
- Entering the castle
- Exploring the hidden valley
- Filling the cream donut
- Fornicating
- Foxtrot uniform charlie kilo
- Funny business
- Getting down
- Getting laid
- Getting lucky
- Give the dog a bone
- Glazing the donut
- Groping for trout in a peculiar river
- Harpooning the salty longshoreman
- Having a hot beef injection
- Hiding the bishop
- Hitting a home run
- Horizontal tango
- Hot yoga
- Jamming the clam
- Jumping bones
- Knocking boots
- Makin bacon
- Making a hole in the welcome mat
- Making love
- Matrimonial polka
- Open the gates of Mordor
- Parallel parking
- Passing the gravy
- Pee pee friction pleasure
- Pile driving
- Planting the parsnips
- Playing hide the sausage
- Playing with the box the kids came in
- Putting the bread in the oven
- Putting the sour cream in the burrito
- Riding the bony express
- Rumpy pumpy
- Sending an email to the spam folder
- Sending out for sushi
- Sharpening the pencil
- Slytherin the Hufflepuff
- Souring the kraut
- Splooge bathing
- Stuffin the muffin
- Sweeping the chimney
- Taking one eye to the optometrist
- Taking the skinboat to tuna town
- Tap that
- Testing the mattress
- The no pants dance
- Tipping the velvet
- To know someone in the biblical sense
- Toasting the bagel
- Torpedoing the eel
- Tossing a hot dog down a hallway
- Tunnel patrol
- Two-person pushups
- Using a telescope to explore the black hole
- Waka waka
- Wam bam thank you mam
- Waxing ass
- Wetting the willy
- Whitewashing the picket fence
- Whittling the love branch
- Wiggling the tooth-pick
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