1. A bellyful of marrow
  2. A bit of crumpet
  3. A bit of how’s yer father
  4. A bit of the old in-out
  5. A trip to pound town
  6. A visit from old one eye
  7. Adult naptime
  8. Afternoon delight
  9. Aggressive cuddling
  10. Assault with a friendly weapon
  11. Baking the potato
  12. Balls deep
  13. Banana in a fruit salad
  14. Batter dipping the corn dog
  15. Bedroom rodeo
  16. Bending over a barrel
  17. Boarding the beef bus
  18. Boppin’ squiddles
  19. Bow chick a wow wow
  20. Bringing an al dente noodle to the spaghetti house
  21. Bumping uglies
  22. Bushwacking
  23. Business time
  24. Carnal embrace
  25. Checking the oil
  26. Chesterfield rugby
  27. Christening the yak
  28. Churning butter
  29. Cleaning cobwebs in the womb room
  30. Conquer the pink fortress
  31. Crushing buns
  32. Dancing in the sheets
  33. Dickening
  34. Digging up the sand crab
  35. Dinky-tickling
  36. Dipping the wick
  37. Disappointing the wife
  38. Do the tube snake boogie
  39. Doing it
  40. Doing squat thrusts in the cucumber patch
  41. Doing the dipsy-doodle
  42. Doing the horizontal greased-weasel tango
  43. Doing the monster mash
  44. Doing the nasty
  45. Entering the castle
  46. Exploring the hidden valley
  47. Filling the cream donut
  48. Fornicating
  49. Foxtrot uniform charlie kilo
  50. Funny business
  51. Getting down
  52. Getting laid
  53. Getting lucky
  54. Give the dog a bone
  55. Glazing the donut
  56. Groping for trout in a peculiar river
  57. Harpooning the salty longshoreman
  58. Having a hot beef injection
  59. Hiding the bishop
  60. Hitting a home run
  61. Horizontal tango
  62. Hot yoga
  63. Jamming the clam
  64. Jumping bones
  65. Knocking boots
  66. Makin bacon
  67. Making a hole in the welcome mat
  68. Making love
  69. Matrimonial polka
  70. Open the gates of Mordor
  71. Parallel parking
  72. Passing the gravy
  73. Pee pee friction pleasure
  74. Pile driving
  75. Planting the parsnips
  76. Playing hide the sausage
  77. Playing with the box the kids came in
  78. Putting the bread in the oven
  79. Putting the sour cream in the burrito
  80. Riding the bony express
  81. Rumpy pumpy
  82. Sending an email to the spam folder
  83. Sending out for sushi
  84. Sharpening the pencil
  85. Slytherin the Hufflepuff
  86. Souring the kraut
  87. Splooge bathing
  88. Stuffin the muffin
  89. Sweeping the chimney
  90. Taking one eye to the optometrist
  91. Taking the skinboat to tuna town
  92. Tap that
  93. Testing the mattress
  94. The no pants dance
  95. Tipping the velvet
  96. To know someone in the biblical sense
  97. Toasting the bagel
  98. Torpedoing the eel
  99. Tossing a hot dog down a hallway
  100. Tunnel patrol
  101. Two-person pushups
  102. Using a telescope to explore the black hole
  103. Waka waka
  104. Wam bam thank you mam
  105. Waxing ass
  106. Wetting the willy
  107. Whitewashing the picket fence
  108. Whittling the love branch
  109. Wiggling the tooth-pick

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