This has to be one of the best COVID projects I’ve seen – it started as a storytelling exercise during lockdown. It’s a collection of personal stories and anecdotes about Grohl’s life and his experiences in the music industry.

Reading this book left me with a full heart, and I love Dave Grohl even more than before. (How that’s even possible, idk.)

Dave talks honestly about his journey, his grief and the times music was difficult, even when he loved it desperately. The audiobook is read by Dave himself, and listening to him tell his own stories, in that rich voice that has such range, is a pleasure.

I laughed out loud often. And cried.

It’s a story of resilience and love for your creative expression, music in Dave’s case, writing & drawing for me. And his love of music really shines through, as he recounts his journey through the music industry and his relationship with music itself.

Dave’s story is inspiring, and will those of us pursuing anything creative.

I found so many parallels to my own life and creative work (this is why I love being open to inspiration and creativity coming from anything at any time).

Like Dave, I was raised by a single mum and it gives you a unique perspective on the world, and a kind of gung-ho, get shit done attitude that will see you through anything.

For me the doing of creative work has also been a source of healing, empowerment, and an expression of life, of joy, which is something I really resonated with.

As always, it’s comforting to hear from those who’ve gone before and have experienced the hard things, that life carries on and that you eventually learn to befriend your pain.

I walked away from the book with the reminder to never give up, never surrender, and never take life – or yourself – too seriously.

Do the thing that calls to you, go have fun, and the rest will take care of itself.