A reading challenge is a fun and engaging way to challenge yourself to read more and diversify your reading choices. Reading challenges are super popular, especially in online book communities like Goodreads and Bookstagram. Challenges typically involve setting a goal for the number of books to read in a certain period of time or reading books from different genres or categories.

Before we go any further, let me say that I don’t endorse or encourage challenges that place quantity over quality, such as “read 30 books in 30 days” or “I read for 24 hours straight”. Mass consumption of literature is detrimental to the reading experience, and when you’re reading just to fill a to-do list or to hit a specific goal in a tight deadline, I’d start to interrogate the reasons for reading that much in the first place.

And then you have to think of what it is that you’re giving up to read so much. Are you ignoring friends and family who want to spend time with you and have you present? Are you neglecting to take care of yourself while you’re busy reading?

Reading is a magical escape. And if you’re powering through one book to get to the next one, how much are you really retaining? When I go off after finishing a book, it’s usually during some very mundane activities that I’ll find myself thinking about the book or the characters, and that’s when I’ll usually realise something about it that I hadn’t through of as I was reading.

I think this obviously varies depending on the kind of books you’re reading. If the stories are very simple, without many layers to them, you can more easily just read it and not sit with them afterwards. But when you do love that reading gives you different kinds of experiences, sitting with the text as you read and after you’ve finished the book is valuable.

What makes reading challenges good for readers?

First and foremost (responsible consumption of literature and) reading challenges encourage you to read more. When you set a goal for the number of books to read in a reasonable time period, it motivates you to make more time for reading in your daily routine.

It can be easy to fall into the trap of scrolling through social media or watching TV instead of picking up a book, but a reading challenge gives you a concrete goal to work towards – and a way to visualise your progress.

Reading challenges help you diversify your reading choices.

It’s easy to fall into a reading rut, where you stick to the same authors or genres over and over again, this can even lead to a reading slump. But a reading challenge can push you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to try something new. For example, a challenge to read a book from every continent can introduce you to new cultures and perspectives you may not have explored otherwise.

Reading challenges also encourage you to read more critically. When you’re reading for a challenge, you may pay more attention to themes, symbolism, and other literary devices that you may not have noticed before. This can deepen your understanding and appreciation of the books you’re reading.

And then there’s the community and support for reading. When you participate in a reading challenge, you’re often doing it alongside a group of other readers who are working towards the same goal. This can create a sense of camaraderie and encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions about the books you’re reading. You’ll often also end up getting recommendations from other readers who are participating in the challenge.

Where can I find reading challenges?

A quick googling will have a long list of reading challenges in front of you. Beyond searching them out on blogs, Instagram’s Bookstagram, TikTok’s BookTok and Goodreads are all places with large reader communities where you can find people hosting challenges. Reading Discords and Mastodons are also places online that have reader communities who might be hosting challenges.

And, if you can’t find a reading challenge that you like, there’s always the option to create your own! Here are a few tips for creating your own reading challenge:

  1. Set a realistic goal: When creating a reading challenge, it’s important to set a goal that is challenging but achievable. Consider your reading habits and how much time you realistically have to devote to reading. If you’re a slow reader or have a busy schedule, don’t set a goal that is too ambitious.
  2. Choose a variety of books: To keep things interesting, choose a variety of books to read for your challenge. You can include different genres, categories, or themes. This will keep you from getting bored and help you diversify your reading choices.
  3. Create a tracking system: It’s important to have a way to track your progress throughout the challenge. You can use a spreadsheet, a tracker, a notebook, or an app like Goodreads. This will help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come.
  4. Join a reading community: Participating in a reading challenge with a community of other readers can be a great way to stay motivated and get recommendations. You can join a book club, a group online dedicated to reading challenges.
  5. Have fun: Remember, the most important part of a reading challenge is to have fun! Don’t get too caught up in meeting your goal or reading a certain number of books. The point is to challenge yourself and enjoy the process.

Reading challenges are an excellent way for you to broaden your horizons, get out of your comfort zone, and discover new books and authors. Whether it’s a simple challenge to read a certain number of books or a more complex challenge to read a variety of genres, these challenges can motivate and inspire you to push yourself and try new things.

Reading challenges can help you develop good reading habits and establish a regular reading routine. Setting a goal and working towards it can encourage you to carve out dedicated time for reading, which can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

Reading challenges are a fun and rewarding way to expand your literary horizons and make reading a more intentional and fulfilling part of your life. So why not give it a try and see where your reading journey takes you?

Here’s a fantasy romance reading challenge:

This challenge is designed to encourage you to explore different subgenres and themes within fantasy and fantasy romance. Happy reading!

  1. Read a book with a non-human protagonist
  2. Read a book that features magic or sorcery
  3. Read a book with a forbidden romance
  4. Read a book with a chosen one or prophecy storyline
  5. Read a book with a strong female lead
  6. Read a book with a time-travel element
  7. Read a book with a unique world-building concept
  8. Read a book with a monster or creature as a major character
  9. Read a book with a diverse cast of characters
  10. Read a book that has been recommended to you by a friend or online book community

Bonus challenge: Read a book that combines elements of fantasy and another genre (such as fantasy mystery, fantasy thriller, or fantasy historical fiction).

Plus, here are 3 printable reading challenges to get you started!

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