Discussing a book with someone else who has read it can be a deeply satisfying experience.

It allows you to share a common experience with someone and compare your thoughts, opinions, and interpretations of the book.

This shared experience can deepen your understanding of the book and make you feel more connected to others who have read it.

Discussing a book with someone who has a similar perspective can be validating, especially if you both enjoyed the book.

It can be reassuring to know that someone else shares your enjoyment of the book or had a similar reaction to certain parts of the story.

This validation can give you a sense of community and shared interests, which can be uplifting and gratifying.

On the other hand, discussing a book with someone who has a different perspective can also be enlightening.

They may have noticed things that you missed or have a completely different interpretation of the book, which can challenge your own assumptions and broaden your understanding of the story.

Engaging with diverse perspectives can expand your horizons and give you a new appreciation for the book.

It can be a way to forge new friendships or deepen existing ones, as well as an opportunity to explore the many layers and complexities of a great book.

Here are some good questions to ask when you want to discuss a book:

  1. What was your initial reaction to the book? Did it meet your expectations?
  2. Who was your favourite character in the book and why?
  3. Who was your least favourite character in the book and why?
  4. Did you relate to any of the characters? If so, which ones and why?
  5. What themes or messages did you take away from the book?
  6. Did the author use any literary devices such as metaphors or symbolism? If so, what did they add to the story?
  7. Was there anything in the book that surprised you or that you didn’t expect?
  8. Did the book make you think about any issues or topics in a new or different way?
  9. What did you think of the writing style of the book? Did it work well for the story?
  10. If you could change anything about the book, what would it be?
  11. What did you think of the ending of the book? Did it satisfy you? Why or why not?
  12. What do you think the author’s intention was with the book? What message or theme do you think they were trying to convey?
  13. Which part of the book did you find most memorable? Why did it stand out to you?
  14. Were there any characters that you felt weren’t fully developed or needed more depth? Why?
  15. Did you find any aspects of the book confusing or unclear? What questions did you have while reading?
  16. How did the book compare to other works you’ve read by the same author or in the same genre?
  17. Were there any parts of the book that you found particularly challenging or difficult to read? Why?
  18. Did you like the writing style of the book? Was it engaging or did it feel slow or repetitive at times?
  19. Were there any moments in the book that made you emotional or had a strong impact on you? Why?
  20. How did the book make you think about broader issues or themes, such as politics, social justice, or human nature?

Remember to keep the questions open-ended and people to elaborate on their answers.

By asking a variety of questions, you can spark a lively and engaging discussion that explores different perspectives and interpretations of the book.