I call the Universe Alice and we've got a VERY peculiar relationship. Read a few of the stories about how our weird relationship works.

As a descendant of Vikings and a Zen practitioner, I’m not religious. Not in the least. But I’ve got oodles of faith.

And I’ve got a pretty quirky relationship with the Universe.

I call her Alice.

And before you go thinking that it’s cute that I named her after Alice in Wonderland, stop. Just stop.

The Alice I have a relationship, is more like…

Yeah. That Alice. I love her. And I love my Alice, which is why I named her after Alice in the Magicians (the adaptation).

Our relationship is built on brutal honesty and profound gratitude.

I started talking and writing to Alice at a young age. It was a good way to clear my head and clarify my own thinking. Pretty soon, I started noticing that when I genuinely wanted something, Alice would send it my way.

Sometimes it took a short while, sometimes longer.

But it was always exactly what I needed (not always what I thought I wanted) and it always came at the exact right moment.

This very intimate relationship that I have with Alice, has led Mr Starsheep to frequently comment, “The universe is your bitch,” but that’s not how I see it.

It’s not that I command and she sends, I’m not a god. But I maintain an open line with her and she’s got my back.

And so, I’m a bit of an oddball, even by oddball standards.

I don’t know if it’s my attitude towards the things that happen or am I just stubborn or stupid.

Classic Me moments are moments that I frequently experience and that don’t seem to happen to other people.

Classic Me adventures include, but are not limited to:

The time Alice sent me room service on the beach.

I was once out for a walk with Mr Starsheep.

It was a warmer day than I’d prepared for and a longer walk than I’d planned for. Ergo, I got hot and didn’t have water on me.

We were just walking along the beach when my ass-crack was starting to sweat and I had the most fervent wish for an ice cold drink of water.

I said as much to Mr Starsheep who agreed we should have brought water.

I took a few more steps, determined that I’d drink when I got home.

I turned to look out over the water.

And I burst out laughing with incredulity.

There was a bottle of Evian (!!!) bobbing towards me on the waves.

Not just coming in my general direction, but coming right up to my feet, carried by the wind and the waves. I picked it up and it was ice cold. And unopened.

I turned to Mr Starsheep and told him, “Look! Alice heard I was thirsty and sent me room service!”

He just shook his head in disbelief (he’s been around for a lot of these events).

Classic me.

If you want to read the rest of my Classic Me stories, head on over to Patreon.

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