In case you haven't noticed, Audible hides erotic content by default from your searches. Here's how to opt-out of this setting!

Have you checked your Audible settings lately? Or ever?

Audible by default will hide erotic searches in your app, and they won’t even tell you they’re doing it or prompt you at any point to opt-out of this filter.

Lazy, lazy, A-Z (for that joke to work, you’ll have to read that last part as “ay-zee”).

I’ve even heard of cases where having this box checked ended up hiding already purchased books in people’s libraries, and we just cannot have Amazon keeping us from our beloved smut!

To change this, head to Audible on desktop (you can’t find the settings in the app).

In the top right corner, where it says “Hi [Name]!”, mouse over and choose ‘Account Details’ from the drop-down menu.

Head to ‘Update Settings’ and scroll to the bottom, where you’ll find a box that will be checked by default, which says ‘Hide erotic content in searches’.

Uncheck that and you should get a pop-up from the bottom of the screen confirming that your ‘Erotic content preferences updated’.

I did test the search out with the erotic content hidden, and I was still able to find some erotic books, but that may have been merely due to the fact that they’re pretty big and sell well (Amazon always loves a profit), so I’m not 100% clear on what exactly they’re hiding in search with the box checked.

But if, like me, you want to be on the safe side and not have any erotic works hidden from you, go uncheck the box. And then grab one of these FREE goodies, if you haven’t already 👇

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