My bookshelf

Before I was a writer (though I’ve been writing stories since grade school), I was a reader. Books were a constant in the turbulent life of a child who was adjusting from divorce to being raised by a single mother. They’ve always been my comfort and escape, and I can’t imagine my life without them.

Stories were there for me when I needed to just escape daily life, and I don’t know how to survive reality without fantasy – and neither would I want to.

This is what I’ve got kicking around in the bookshelf at home. Fair warning, it’ll be heavily skewed towards SF/F, but I also love history books that explore why the world is the way it is.

You can use the filter to toggle the categories. Do note this is an ongoing project, you can find more on my Goodreads and my Instagram!

  • All
  • Fantasy
  • Fiction
  • Sci-Fi
  • Other
  • Graphic Novel
  • Children's

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