So, in addition to writing, I like to draw.

I’ve been drawing since I can remember.

I started as a child, was encouraged by my parents, and just never stopped.

I was drawing for fun before I worked as a professional artist.

Needless to say, I started with traditional art mediums – this was way before digital art was a thing.

Oil paints, pencils and charcoal were some of my favourite mediums. Horses were my main subject for many years.

My digital art journey started way back when during the era of the fax machine.

Dial-up internet was all the rage, and we used to call it the World Wide Web back then.

My dad brought me a Macintosh and it had MacPaint in it.

No, not a Mac. A Macintosh 128K. This baby 👇

Yeah, I know I’m showing my age by telling you this, but I don’t mind admitting that I was born the same year the Macintosh was launched – 1984, bebeh!

This machine was my first foray into digital art which would eventually lead to more advanced programs as they became more widely available to us regular Janes.

Sometimes I draw just for some variety from writing.

Other times I get stuck in my stories and can’t move on until I draw out something specific – this is usually when I need to work out some detail about a character and can do it better visually.

Like the time I got stuck writing and had to draw Sasha’s armour to figure out how to move forward 👇

On the occasions when I do manage to finish a side-project, it ends up in my little shop.

It’s called Bound To Please, it’s a book and a kink joke, all rolled into one.

These are some of the designs there 👇 and these are all on t-shirts because I don’t have any good sticker mock-ups, but there are stickers, and notebooks and tees etc. (you know the print-on-demand drill).

So, if you’re looking for to bring a little zing into your daily life, look no further!

With a wide range of unique and original designs, you’ll find something that you won’t find anywhere else.

And supporting independent artists like myself, means you’re supporting fostering creativity and innovation in the community ♥️

Check it out here.

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When Sasha Barrett gets bitten by a snake on a mission, her squad captain’s quick actions not only save her life, but also make her realise something she may have known all along…

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