Morning Pages are magic for both life and work. It's the easiest thing you can do for your future self.

I wanna take a minute to talk about Morning Pages, the practise introduced to us by Julia Cameron in her book “The Artist’s Way”.

Morning Pages are three pages of stream-of-consciousness writing, you just put down all the clutter from your head onto the page so you don’t have to carry it around any more.

It’s cathartic. It’s healing. It’s so worth it.

Morning pages are brain dumps: three pages straight, first thing in the morning.

To start, grab a pen and a notebook, sit down somewhere quiet, and just write whatever comes to mind. 

Don’t worry about making it perfect or editing it – just let your thoughts flow onto the page.

Write without judgment, and don’t worry about whether what you’re writing makes sense or not. 

The goal is to clear your mind and get your thoughts out onto paper. 

You might be surprised at what comes up!

This practice can be useful if you’re feeling stressed, stuck creatively, or just need a way to focus your mind. 

It can also help you identify any negative self-talk or limiting beliefs that might be holding you back. 

How to do Morning Pages.

  • Set aside time: Schedule a time each morning to write your morning pages. Ideally, it should be the first thing you do in the morning before checking your phone or email.
  • Get a notebook and pen: Find a notebook and pen that you enjoy using. It’s important to have a dedicated notebook for your morning pages so that you can track your progress and refer back to previous entries.
  • Write three pages: Start writing three pages of stream-of-consciousness writing. Write whatever comes to mind without worrying about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Don’t censor yourself or think too much about what you’re writing – just let the words flow.
  • Don’t stop: Keep writing until you’ve filled three pages. If you get stuck or run out of things to write about, just write “I don’t know what to write” until another thought comes to mind.
  • Repeat: Do morning pages every day for at least a week to start seeing the benefits. Over time, you may find that it becomes a helpful habit that you look forward to each morning.

Remember, the goal of morning pages is to clear your mind and get your thoughts out onto paper. 

Your mind collects a lot of stuff that you’re not aware of and journaling is your chance to clear the cobwebs.

Try doing Morning Pages for a week and see if it makes a difference in your life!

Next: Different types of journaling practices >>

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It’s a wild garden, loosely tended and peppered with drafts, ideas, partials and sketches. For less than a single coffee, you get more stories, too! Including the Ravaging Phantom novella.

Stay as long as you like. You can also leave at any time if you don’t know anyone and the music sucks. (Also: there’s no music, just like an existential party.)