Her name is Anaemia.

She’s skinny and pale. She dressed as all in black. She has bags under her eyes and doesn’t have energy for anything.

She’s grouchy and snaps at everyone all the time.

She doesn’t want to do anything or see anyone. She just wants to escape and go to any fantasy land that comes along; books, movies, comics, cartoons, she doesn’t care which.

She’s weak and dizzy. She doesn’t want to get off the sofa. He has no appetite and doesn’t want to be touched. She barely wants to interact.

She looks long and hard at anyone who starts talking to her, willing them to just shut up with the power of her stare.

She doesn’t want to eat because lifting the fork to her mouth is too much work. She’s weak and always out of breath, hiding in corners and avoiding people like a seething serpent biding its time, ready to strike at anyone who comes close.

She’s angry.

She usually perks up after ovulation and before the period. She’s had energy and resources taken from her that she can ill spare, and she’s mostly angry at herself for not being able to function like normal.

She’s lethargic and exhausted and becomes angry when I push and do normal things. She wants me to do nothing. She makes me think that I’ll never be able to do anything ever again, to live a normal life without yet another one of these episodes.

But she also takes care of me, notifies me of when things are wrong. She lets me know when my resources are being taxed and I need to take care of myself, when I need to take iron supplements.

I appreciate all she does for me. It’s something I’ve had to learn.

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