Are you tired of feeling like your creativity has run dry? Well, have no fear because prompts are here! 

Let’s explore the different types of prompts that you can use to jumpstart your creativity and approach your projects from new angles. 

Whether you’re a writer, artist, chef, or anything in between, I’ve got you covered!

Brainstorming prompts for different creative projects is an essential skill for any creative. 

From writing prompts to drawing prompts, painting prompts, and even cooking prompts, the possibilities are endless!

  • Look for prompts that match your creative interests: Think about the type of creative work you enjoy and look for prompts that align with those interests. For example, if you’re a writer who enjoys science fiction, look for prompts that challenge you to write within that genre.
  • Browse prompt websites and books: There are many websites and books dedicated to providing prompts for various creative projects. Take some time to browse through these resources and see if any of the prompts catch your eye.
  • Use social media: Social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter are great places to find prompts and connect with other creatives. Search for relevant hashtags or follow accounts that share prompts regularly.
  • Ask for suggestions: Reach out to other creatives in your network and ask for suggestions on where to find prompts that might resonate with your project. You might be surprised at the wealth of knowledge and resources available.
  • Experiment with different types of prompts: Don’t be afraid to try out different types of prompts to see what works best for you. Whether it’s a word or phrase, a specific image, or a scenario, different prompts can inspire different types of creativity.

Remember, finding the right prompts is all about discovering what resonates with you and your specific project. 

So be open to exploring new ideas and approaches.

But what if the prompts available don’t quite fit your specific needs or creative process? 

That’s where creating your own prompts comes in! 

  • Start with your interests: Think about the things that interest you the most and try to incorporate them into your prompts. For example, if you’re passionate about music, consider creating prompts that involve writing about a specific song or creating a visual piece inspired by a certain artist.
  • Consider your creative goals: Think about what you want to achieve with your creative work and create prompts that push you towards those goals. If you’re working on improving your drawing skills, for example, consider creating prompts that challenge you to draw different objects or scenes from different perspectives.
  • Use your surroundings: Look to your environment for inspiration. Whether it’s a specific location, a favourite object, or a particular colour, use your surroundings to create prompts that are personal and meaningful to you.
  • Think outside the box: Don’t be afraid to get creative and think outside the box when crafting your prompts. Consider using unconventional prompts like random words or phrases, or challenging yourself to create something with limitations, such as using only one colour.

Whether you’re feeling stuck in your current project or just looking to shake things up, prompts can be a powerful tool for unlocking your creativity. 

And with the ability to create your own prompts, you’ll have an endless supply of inspiration at your fingertips.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to unleash your creativity with the power of prompts!

Next: Smashing the creativity blockade >>

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It’s a wild garden, loosely tended and peppered with drafts, ideas, partials and sketches. For less than a single coffee, you get more stories, too! Including the Ravaging Phantom novella.

Stay as long as you like. You can also leave at any time if you don’t know anyone and the music sucks. (Also: there’s no music, just like an existential party.)