Meet Cute Sticky Notes No identity, no labels, non-self in a world that desperately wants to put everyone in a neat box 27/03/202329/07/2024
Meet Cute Sticky Notes Feeling left out: Hey, it’s me, an introvert in an extroverted world 28/02/202309/08/2023
Sticky Notes The dark side of book publishing in the age of platforms and algorithms 15/02/202321/09/2023
Meet Cute Sticky Notes I write spicy adventures that smash the patriarchy (and are fun to read too) 25/01/202310/04/2024
Sticky Notes When even coffee can’t save a Monday, run away and hide until it’s over 23/01/202311/04/2023
Sticky Notes Some of the movies that shaped my understanding of storytelling (1997-2006) 11/01/202311/04/2023