In the end, we’re all crammed onto this rock hurtling through space together — might as well make the most of it.

These are rules as part of my philosophy on how to journey through life.

Take what resonates (if anything) and leave the rest.

Number one — water.

Never — let me repeat — never say ‘no’ to water.

When someone offers you water, you say ‘yes’.

Every single time.

(Unless it’s a dark place and you can’t be sure what’s in the water. Then walk away.)

But besides that, when someone offers you water, even if you’re inclined to be polite because you don’t want to bother them, or you don’t want to make them work, you say yes.

You are made of a lot of water.

On average, water makes up about 60% of an adult human’s total body weight.

And water is is essential for many bodily functions, including regulating temperature, transporting nutrients and waste, and serving as a solvent for various chemical reactions.

It’s distributed throughout the body in different compartments, such as intracellular (inside cells) and extracellular (outside cells), including the blood and interstitial fluid.

And when you’re given that glass of water, you don’t sip it like it’s a fine sipping whiskey.

You drink the water.

Think camel after two weeks in the desert.

You take several gulps.

Ideally, you drink the whole glass.

I used to not drink water, so to make myself drink more water, I told myself I have to take at least three big gulps of water every time.

These days, you’d be hard pressed to find me without a container of water somewhere within easy reach.

Yes, I also drink coffee, but I’ve got a rule for that, too: for every coffee I drink, I also have to drink the same amount of water as I drink the coffee.

Water is life. Go drink some water now.

Number two — air.

Breathe before doing anything.

This way you end up breathing into everything.

And when I say anything, I mean anything and everything.

Breathe before you speak.

Breathe before taking the first bite.

Breathe before stepping into the shower.

Breathe before finishing this sentence.

Breathe before drinking your water.

Breather before writing the next word.

Breathe before hitting play on the movie.

Breathe before you scroll to the next social media post.

Breathe before closing your eyes to sleep.

Breathe before getting up in the morning.

Breathe before sitting down.

Oxygen is the most abundant element in the human body, comprising about 65% of the total mass.

It’s a crucial element for cellular respiration, which provides energy to the body’s cells.

Whatever you’re doing, make it a point to breathe before you do it.

Make the breath deep and eventually you’ll just be breathing your way through life like a pro.

Number three — energy.

Always — again, I repeat — always hold your navel in.

I don’t mean suck in your stomach to look skinnier.

I don’t mean hold your breath.

What I want you to do is to imagine there’s a magnetic pull between your spine and your bellybutton.

The only thing that keeps them apart is that deep breath that you keep on taking.

What you’re doing with this is activating your solar plexus and your navel chakra while protecting your lower back and strengthening your core.

In the Upanishads it’s said that the solar plexus is the seat of our prana, the vital energy, the life force.

This is where you want to pull yourself up from.

This is where you draw your personal power from, the power to transform, to create, to manifest.

Your navel chakra is connected to the autonomic nervous system, and being connected to it helps you cultivate a sense of calm and resilience.

It will keep you from jumping into fight-or-flight when you feel threatened, because you’ll be connected to your personal power.

I wax poetic about the benefits of holding in your belly button — from making your more confident, more assertive, improving your posture and i emotional regulation.

The best thing about it is that you can do it wherever you are.

Sitting, standing, lying — right now, reading these words.

Just turn on that magnetic pull.

And then take a breath that’s deep enough to break through the magnetic force between the belly button and the back.

It’s the same breath you use when connecting with your true voice, remember?

Even if you only remember to do one of these at a time, I guarantee you’re experience of being here on this rock will only improve.

All the love, all the power ❤️‍🔥

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